2. Motive is to contribute

Learners are eager to contribute and belong as valued members of their families and communities. They engage with initiative, to fulfill valued roles. Other people present are trying to accomplish the activity at hand, and may guide or support the learners’ contributions. 

(see Murray, Bowen, Segura, & Verdugo, 2015; Adair, 2015Remorini, 2015Gutiérrez, Rosengren, & Miller, 2015; de León, 2015García, 2015Martínez-Pérez, 2015Coppens & Alcalá  2015Fernández, 2015; Mejia-Arauz, Correa-Chavez, Ohrt, & Aceves-Azuara, 2015;Coppens, Silva, Ruvalcaba, Alcalá, López, & Rogoff, 2014; Alcalá, Rogoff, Mejía-Arauz, Coppens, & Roberts, 2014Coppens, Alcalá, Mejía-Arauz, & Rogoff, 2014Orellana, 2003Corona, 2001Rogoff, Goodman Turkanis, & Bartlett, 2001; Gaskins, 2000)